Monday, 26 February 2007

London 2012

Another sunday another series of stories about the 2012 overspend in the papers yesterday. It seems to me however that most of the budget seems to have little to do with the actual costs of the 20 odd days of sport for the olympics and para olympics. Shouldn't the regeneration costs come under the remit of Ruth Kelly? it is a community thing. The transport into Stratford was well underway before the inspection visit by the IOC in Feb 2005 so that money was being spent before we knew we had even won the bid. It really is about time the 2012 organisers stopped getting blamed for everything. I really hope that the Olympics are a huge success I just wish that this government had managed to stop trying to micro manage the games - look at the examples of Twickenham and the Enirates stadium - both wonderful stadia built without tax payers money on time and more inportantly on budget. We should be getting the people who have project managed these to run the construction of the olympic facilities. Too mch interference by government does not work Wembley is a prime example of this. We still have five years five months to go before the opening ceremony , if Tony Blair really wants a legacy how about making sure that they are the best games ever!

PS I would still rather that the government spent 9 billion on the olympics, a much better use of our money than the estimated 20 billion A YEAR on a national road pricing scheme

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