Saturday, 31 March 2007

US congress backing - NOT

According to Matt Drudge Nancy Pellosi has not allowed congress to put forward a motion backing the UK in the current situation with Iran. She is however going to visit Syria. What should the UK make of this - a slap in the face I should think. Shame on you congress I hope you enjoy your easter break!

Thursday, 29 March 2007

God help us and the 15 servicemen

So Margaret Beckett should have been demoted after the debacle at Defra re the single farm payment (about time someone said that) I live in a rural area and know of many farmers for whom the single farm payment caused real hardship,anguish, frustration and a great deal of fury. Luckily Margaret was put to one side along with her assistant (husband Leo) so they could not do any harm anywhere important.....DOH! is it any surprise that the Iranians are ignoring our pleas to let the 15 servicemen go. Blair only has himself to blame for putting a complete inept into the FO.

Monday, 26 March 2007

Blair to resign

So according to the Times yesterday Blair threatened to resign if questioned under caution (I have do doubt this is true as Blair has already shown the lengths he will go to to cling onto power- so for that matter have all his cronies (when was the last time a public employee who was arrested was not placed on suspension pending the outcome of the investigation? - oh yes Ms Turner!) Anyway - assuming that the Times piece was fully researched (and I haven't heard anyone from No 10 banging on about leaks etc this time and no injuctions have been sought) then WHY is it that none of the TV news reports have mentioned this fact - it would appear that Tony IS a suspect and not just a witness - surely this is significantly more important news than a memo/email which took up all the headlines 2 weeks ago.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Party Animals

Can't believe that the series has finished - I loved it, great storyline, great acting...but what did Scott send to Ashika at the end? I hope the Beeb commission another series and this time give it some publicity I am sure it could turn into a main stream hit and you never know some of the country's yoof might even enjoy it and take a little bit more interest in what goes on in westminster

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Budget day

Cameron had a brilliant speech from what I saw. Humerous but still right on the money with criticisms of Brown himself and the Budget in general. Cameron has put the best performance I have seen since he began his leadership..Methinks that Brown will be really worried about PMQs (assuming the Labour party are stupid enpugh to annoint him) after this.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Global Warming

I sat and watched the Channel four documentary on global warming last night that I had skyplussed 10 days ago. OH My GOD! Even if half of what they said is true we are all well and truly being led up the garden path by a bunch of ex CND tree huggers and no one , no matter how expert they are in their field, seem to be able to stop this misinformation being put out. It comes to something when the founder of greenpeace thinks that the whole increase in man made carbon link to global warming is Bolleaux. I hope that some politican other than Lord Lawson of Blaby puts his head above the parapet and speaks out and soon or else we are all going to be taxed to death for absolutley no reason whatsoever!

Back from Hols

Back from a brilliant weeks skiing in france, now I only have 15000 loads of washing to do!

Friday, 9 March 2007


Off on Holiday at the crack of dawn tomorrow for a weeks skiing. Fingers crossed that Yates of the Yard waits for me to get back! Did anyone see Nick Robinson on This week last night - he hinted that his source for the gagged document was inside number 10 - no surprises there then!

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Excellent article in this mornings telegraph, about Blair and his "gang". Well worth a read (
There is only one good thing about the fully elected house of lords vote - at least Tony Blair won't get a seat! Otherwise all that is going to happen is that we (the Taxpayer) will have a whole load more professional politicans, who have never done anything more than SpAd, researcher, or party jobs, to support. I really cannot see how this is going to be the answer all cross benchers will be gone and nobody will act independantly to stop badly drafted legislation. It really is a terrible decision in my view

Wednesday, 7 March 2007


Texting Illegal immigrants and asking them to got home! Now I know the government has really lost the plot!

EDMs and Awards gone mad

I would like to congratulate Dizzy for finding another waste of taxpayers money in the EDM being put down on giving Bob Paisley a postumous award ( As talented as Bob Paisley was or may have been I'm not sure that he could donate to the labour party from beyong the grave (although Levy might like to try as all living donors seem to have disappeared) I am sure that all the constituents of the Labour MP who asked the PM to support this EDM in PMQs today are really pleased that she thinks that this is the most important question that needs to be answered on their behalf.

Friday, 2 March 2007

Dodgy Dossier

So the dodgy dossier returns (see the story on This is exactly what the FOI act was for in my opinion, to stop the government cover ups. I always thought that although Gilligan's story was a bit sloppy in it's reporting , Campbell would never have gone after the story like a terrier after a rabbit unless he was desperate to discount it because was the truth. I hope that the draft dossier is published as soon as possible and I hope that for once the BBC will show some backbone and give it full coverage.